trade effluent 

Trade effluent can be challenging for non-household customers to understand. Often customers can unwittingly neglect their responsibility in submitting the required regular reads for trade effluent. Occutrace specialises in collecting accurate readings, going the extra step to meet trade effluent meter safety requirements and educating customers on looking after their own trade effluent meter reads.

We are experts in resolving key problems that water and other utility companies need to address 



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What’s the challenge?

Every day, an average of over 200 million litres of trade effluent are discharged into the sewerage network. Managing this wastewater, along with the pressure to ensure accurate monitoring and regular Trade Effluent readings, can be challenging.

For non-household customers, the responsibility for collecting trade effluent readings can fall outside their expertise, complicating the task of submitting timely and accurate readings to water companies.

When customers fail to take responsibility for their trade effluent discharge, water companies are forced to estimate bills, which can strain the relationship between the company and the customer, eroding confidence in bill accuracy.

Additionally, trade effluent sites often require enhanced safety measures and restrictions beyond those of typical meter readings. Specialising in trade effluent, Occutrace can navigate these complexities, ensuring an accurate reading and further educating customers to take responsibility for future submissions.

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How does it work?

  • Our meter reading service seamlessly integrates modern technology with traditional field research, eliminating failed meter read visits.

  • Our UK field agents find and read the meters, then they update the location notes, the inch perfect GPS coordinates and high resolution photographs. All of this is handled in real-time with our cloud-based app – all ready for the next reader.

  • Taking on additional requirements to access trade effluent sites while building a strong relationship with the customer in educating them for future readings.

  • Should problems be encountered – customer or wholesale issues – you’ll be made aware.

  • No fee for unsuccessful visits as you will only be charged for the meters we resolve.


  • A bespoke service tailored to the requirements and demands of accessing trade effluent sites and meters.

  • Irrefutable evidence to back up our conclusions. Our field agents on site will take up to three pictures per visit to not only confirm the meter read but give contextual images to make the meter simple to find the next time around.

  • Outcome guaranteed. If we can’t read the meter, we will explain why. It may be that the meter has been moved or is now obstructed. Whatever the issue may be, knowing means you are able to do something about it.

  • Improved customer billing accuracy leading to better customer retention and greater propensity to pay.

  • Knowledge passed onto the customer to ensure that companies can receive timely accurate readings when required. 
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What our customers say about Occutrace

It is our ambition to deliver quality service and actionable results to the utility companies, national water retailers and wholesalers and MOSL. Hearing customer feedback about the team and the way we work together is invaluable.

Contact Now

Get in touch with us today to book a consultation with the Occutrace team.

0141 280 9590

100 Brand Street, Glasgow, G51 1DG