we help Identify occupancy in vacant nhh properties.
Data and human diligence. This is what sums up our vacants management service and can provide you with many wide-ranging benefits. Let us help you manage your non-household vacants portfolio efficiently.
We are experts in resolving key problems that water and other utility companies need to address

What’s the challenge?
According to Waterwise, around 30% of public water supplies used in the UK (over three billion litres a day) are used by the non-household customers such as businesses, schools, gyms, hospitals, hotels etc.
At present, according to the most recent MOSL reports, there is an estimated loss in resource valued at £6 million per annum in the water market that is simply poured down the drain as a result of managing inaccurate data. Data related to customer and premises details account for the largest proportion of this cost.
New businesses are not legally bound to register with their water supplier when they move in or out of the property.
With 335,000 companies registered each and every year and 231,000 ceasing trading each year, it takes a lot to keep up with the information updates. As a water supplier, you face multiple consequences such as loss revenue, increased cost of collections, wasted effort chasing erroneous debt, unrecoverable legal fees, wholesale settlement mismatches, extra resource to manage it all.
In an industry beset by historically poor data issues, Occutrace is leading the way in helping water suppliers to validate and obtain fine quality data about their vacants and business (or non-household) premise occupiers.
How we can help?
- Data and human diligence sums up our service. Transfer your customer data to us using our secure file transfer options and we’ll handle uploading your data via our bespoke software application. Our UK-wide network of field agents will then take it from there, checking that each and every record is correct. If it isn’t, they’ll set to work on updating the name and contact details of the business.
- Occutrace can offer a blended approach of desktop and field work to give our water retail customers the irrefutable evidence they require to successfully onboard, bill and retain those new non-household customers.
- Our staff are trained to fulfil their roles as full-time professionals with years of experience. They perform remote trace work, combining desk research with phone calls, and field visits where necessary allowing for both parties to test, learn and refine activities in a controlled fashion.
- We supply evidence packs for desktop tracing with extensive notes of who was called and how we got to our conclusion/outcome. For our field visits, we record photos of the address on our own system and once our quality assurance team have checked the data sent by the field agent. We release it to the client who can access this through their own personal log-ins.

- Increase your revenue. Accurate occupancy data allows you to track who occupies a property and for how long meaning you are billing the right client the right amount every time.
- Quality of customer service and communications. Accurate customer data ensures the relationship between water supplier and customer is built on a positive foundation from the outset as there is no dispute over inaccurate billing.
Accurate billing. Year after year, estimated billing proves to be a source of frustration for utility customers. We make it a thing of the past – ensuring that your customers receive an accurate bill only for the time that they are in the property.
- Save money and resources. Avoid drawn out debt recovery battles (just how much did those lawyers’ letters set you back during the last financial year?). You can also save your team precious time that they can allocate to another tasks.
What our customers say about Occutrace
It is our ambition to deliver quality service and actionable results to the utility companies, national water retailers and wholesalers and MOSL. Hearing customer feedback about the team and the way we work together is invaluable.
Contact Now
Get in touch with us today to book a consultation with the Occutrace team.
0141 280 9590
100 Brand Street, Glasgow, G51 1DG